New set or an addition to a set in the last update. |
Inside set. |
Complete set. |
Argentina |
Marvel Superheroes (1980)  |
World Cup (2002)  |
Crown Caps for Microbreweries (2021)  |
Australia |
Hair Styles (2009)  |
The Clean Crisp Taste (2010)  |
Questions and Answers  |
Austria |
WM Football teams (2006)  |
EM 2008 by Stiegl (2008) |
Österreich Sammeln & Gewinnen (2009)  |
WM 2010 by Stiegl (2010)  |
Wir freuen uns auf (2012)  |
Belgium |
Rock Stars (1974)  |
World Wildlife Fund (1974)  |
Towns (1975)  |
Redbach Rodenbach Hit by Kriek (2004)  |
Coca-Cola (2005) |
Humo (2005)  |
Cesar (2011)  |
Super Export 8 (2012) |
World Championships Football 2018 (2018)  |
Jupiler Red Devils (2021)  |
Jupiler Believe World Championship Qatar (2022)  |
Fruits |
Looza |
Comics (19??)  |
R.F.C.L. Players (19??)  |
Brazil |
Football Players (????)  |
Disney Figures (1977)  |
Kaiser Girls (2007,2008)  |
Backer Medieval (2010) |
Keepcooler (2011)  |
Coca Cola (2012)  |
Bulgaria |
eBay (2007) |
Canada |
Hockey Players by Coca Cola (1964) |
CFL Players by Coca Cola (1965) |
CFL Players by Sprite (1965) |
Dow Expo World Fair '67 (1967)  |
Montreal Olympics (1976)  |
Pepsi Hockey Caps (1980)  |
Sheas Select (1982)  |
Olands Tall Ships (1984)  |
Laurentide Sports (1987)  |
Olympic Winter Games (1988)  |
Sports Trivia (1993) |
Kokanee Beer Ski Resort (1994)  |
Cottage Country (1994, 1995, 1996)  |
Harley Davidson (1994)  |
Labatt Select (1994)  |
Bud Helmets (1994)  |
Labatt Ski Hills/Resorts (1994)  |
Alexander Keith's Towns (1994, 1995) |
Schooner (1996) |
Year of the Wooden Boat (1996) |
Bohemian Style (1998)  |
Maple Leaf Gardens (1999)  |
Toronto's Own (1999)  |
NFL Teams (1999, 2000, 2010)  |
Labatt's Lite Partners in the Community Manitoba and Saskatchewan (2001, 2003) |
Man puzzle (200?)  |
Fosters (199?)  |
Alexander Keith's Celebration (2001)  |
Stanley Cup Champions (2001)  |
The World's Edmonton 2001 (2001)  |
Brick (2002)  |
Canadian Hockey Olympics Champions (2002)  |
NHL Teams (2002, 2004, 2010)  |
Carlsberg World Cup (2002)  |
Labatt's Lite Partners in the Community Newfoundland (2002, 2003, 2004)  |
Canada Games (2003, 2009)  |
Three Stooges (2003)  |
Trophies (2003)  |
Riders Pil (2004)  |
Alexander Keith's Acadien Réunion (2004)  |
Labatt Poker Chips (2005)  |
Laker (2005)  |
James Ready (2006, 2007)  |
George Street Bars and Pubs (2010)  |
Red Baron (2014)  |
Coors Light MLB Major League Baseball (2019) |
Oktoberfest |
China |
Penguins (1995)  |
Colombia |
Coca Cola 125 anos (2011)  |
Costena Dias De La Semana (2012)  |
Poker Une a los Amigos Opuestos (2013)  |
Czech Republic |
Czech Football Clubs (1994)  |
Klasterec (1995)  |
Skoda Cars (1995) |
International Football Teams (1996) |
Women (1996) |
Women (1996) |
Slovak Futbol Teams (1997) |
Wolf and Rabbit (1997)  |
Heraldic (1998)  |
Ice Hockey Clubs (1998)  |
Simpsons (1998)  |
Formula 1 (1999)  |
Euros (2002)  |
Coca-Cola Alphabet (2013)  |
Coca-Cola 2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil (2014)  |
Denmark |
Årgangsol |
Sport Symbols (1965)  |
Koral Fodbold (1972)  |
Humør (1974)  |
Cartoon Animals (1975)  |
Faxe Rallybiler (1975)  |
Faxe Pils/Lys (1975)  |
Phileas Fogg (1975)  |
Jolly Cola (1975-78)  |
Faxe Lys Ordgæt (1975-78)  |
Animals (1980)  |
Coke Penneven (1980)  |
Horses (1980)  |
Husk Fotokonkurrencen (1980)  |
Race cars (1980)  |
Slots (1980)  |
Carlsberg Soccer Players (1982)  |
Spanish Football Players (1982)  |
Dices (1985)  |
Sambo Elephant (1985)  |
Viborg Rafle (1985)  |
Danish Football Players (1986)  |
Christmas (1996)  |
Carlsberg 1847-1997 (1997)  |
Coke Sayings (19??)  |
Coke Sayings 2 (19??)  |
Verdens Bedste Cykelryttere (19??)  |
Fanta Appelsin Words (19??)  |
7up Olympic Games (19??)  |
Fuglsang Sønderjyllandsserien (19??)  |
Fanta Appelsin Og Så Var Der... (19??)  |
Riddles (19??)  |
Coke Falcon (19??)  |
Ecuador |
Coca Cola 125 (2011)  |
Estonia |
Santanos (2018)  |
Tarkus Peitub Korgi All ? (2022)  |
France |
Mutzig - Collection de Blasons (1968)  |
Acrobatic Waiters (2000)  |
Kronenbourg 70 Years (2017)  |
Kronenbourg Les Annees Qui Comptent (2018)  |
Finland |
Cork lined caps (1950-1960) |
Kruunukapselinäytteitä G.W.Sohlberg (1952) |
Coke Enjoy (19??)  |
Coke Hymyile (19??)  |
Pepsi (19??)  |
Actors and Actresses (1959-1965) |
Korkki on rahaa (1967)  |
Smiles (1972)  |
Music Questions (1974)  |
Sports Questions (1974)  |
Quips (1976)  |
Quips in English (1978)  |
Fanta Disney (1986)  |
Muumi Figures by Tove Jansson (1992)  |
Spiderman, Garfield, Hugo & Tyranosaurus Rex (1993,1996,1997)  |
Smurfs (1994)  |
Raketti (1998)  |
Letters (2002)  |
Olvi talkooporukka (2004)  |
Olvi Numbers (2006)  |
Olvi Questions (2009, 2010)  |
Happy Joe (2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020)  |
Royal Cargo (2015)  |
Rock Paper Scissors (2017, 2019, 2021, 2022)  |
Color Joy (2019)  |
Guilty Joe (2021)  |
Nordic Stars (2021) |
Merry Christmas (2021)  |
DR_NK (2021)  |
Beer Sentences (2023)  |
Germany |
Munich Olympics 1972 (1972) |
Dinkelacker WM '74 (1974)  |
Dinkelacker WM '78 (1978)  |
Moninger Football Players (1984) |
1985 German Olympics (1985)  |
Mauritius WM '94 Football Teams (1994) |
Letters (1995) |
Mauritius EM '96 Football Teams (1996) |
Heraldics (1998) |
Zodiacs (2000)  |
Frisch Auf Göppingen - Handballspieler (2002) |
Herforder Smileys (2003)  |
Test Numbers (2003) |
Sexy Women (1997, 2003)  |
Herforder Funny Names (2004)  |
Schussenrieder (2004)  |
Herforder Beer Facts (2005)  |
Reudnitzer Zoo (2005)  |
WM 2006 by Carlsberg (2006)  |
WM 2006 by Gaffel Kölsch (2006)  |
Energie für Aktive (2006)  |
Herforder Playing Cards (2006)  |
Herforder Sternzeichen (2007)  |
Gaffel Kölsch Smileys (2007)  |
Christmas by Rauh GmbH & Co.KG (2008)  |
Herforder Prost! (2008)  |
EM 2008 by Carlsberg (2008) |
EM 2008 by Gaffel Kölsch (2008)  | 7. Tauschtreffen (2009) |
775 Jahre Hansestadt Stralsund (2009)  |
Störtebeker Winter-Schätze (2009)  |
Wahrzeichen des Nordens (2009)  |
Herzenswunsch by Gaffel Kölsch (2009)  |
Veedel by Gilden Kölsch (2009, 2010, 2011) |
WM 2010 by Eichbaum (2010)  |
WM 2010 by Gaffel Kölsch (2010)  |
Herforder Football (2010)  |
Rauh GmbH (2010)  |
Stralsunder Brauerei Arena (2010, 2012) |
Störtebekers Leuchtturme (2010)  |
Gaffel Kölsch Ich liebe Dich. Wen liebst Du? (2011)  |
Karamalz Rio (2011)  |
Karamalz Tim und Struppi (2011)  |
Karneval by Gilden Kölsch (2011, 2012, 2013, 2018, 2019) |
Herforder Heimat (2011)  |
Frauen WM 2011 by Eichbaum (2011)  |
Karamalz Die Piraten (2012)  |
Karamalz Ice Age 4 (2012)  |
Karamalz Der Hobbit (2012, 2013, 2014)  |
Gaffel Kölsch EM 2012 (2012)  |
Herforder Gläser (2012)  |
Paderborner Karneval Geniessen (2012)  |
Paderborner Malz (2012) |
Gaffel Kölsch Bulli (2013)  |
Gaffel Fassbrause Sommerfreizeit (2013)  |
Karamalz Jack and the Giants (2013)  |
Karamalz Despicable Me 2 (2013)  |
Stralsunder Epochen (2013)  |
Karamalz Drachenzähmen 2 (2014)  |
Karamalz Spider Man 2 (2014)  |
Bitburger Fan Force One (2014)  |
Karlsberg Spielminute (2014) |
Gaffel - Jeck im Sunnesching (2015, 2017) |
Oettinger Bier (2015)  |
Karamalz Avengers Age of Ultron (2015)  |
Karamalz Die Peanuts Der Film (2015)  |
Karamalz Minions (2015)  |
Hachenburger - Heimatliebe (2016) |
Westerwald - Heimatliebe (2016)  |
Oettinger Null... & 100%... (2015, 2016) |
Karamalz Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice (2016)  |
Karamalz Ice Age 5 Kollision voraus! (2016)  |
Karamalz Sing (2016)  |
Karamalz Despicable Me 3 (2017)  |
Karamalz Justice League (2017)  |
Oettinger Null 100% (2017)  |
Brinkhoff's Ruhrpotto (2018)  |
Karamalz Bumblebee (2018)  |
Karamalz Hotel Transsilvanien 3 Ein Monster Urlaub (2018)  |
Gaffel Fassbrause Fussball (2018) |
WM 2018 by Gaffel Kölsch (2018)  |
Karamalz K-Bot (2019)  |
Karamalz Spiderman Far from Home (2019)  |
Karamalz Wilkommen im Wunderpark (2019)  |
Landskron 150 Jahre (2019)  |
Karamalz Sonic The Hedgehog (2020)  |
Karamalz Connected (2020) |
Pott Liebe (2021)  |
Gaffel - European Football Championship (2021)  |
Gaffel - Fassbrause Zitrone Bienenfreundliche Sommerserie (2021) |
Landskron 950 Jahre Görlitz (2021)  |
Karamalz Hotel Transsilvanien 4 (2021)  |
Karamalz Freizeitspass (2021)  |
Karamalz Toggo Radio Wissens-Challenge (2021)  |
Gaffel - Fassbrause Sommer (2022) |
Gaffel - Verein(t) Gewinnt! (2022) |
Karamalz In 80 Tagen um die Welt (2022)  |
Karamalz Memory (2022)  |
Karamalz Minions Auf der Suche nach dem Mini-Boss (2022)  |
Sternburg 200 Years Puzzle (2022) |
Gaffel - Eine Runde Auszeit (2023) |
Karamalz Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir (2023)  |
Karamalz Transformers: Aufstieg der Bestien (2023) |
Karamalz Woozle die Serie (2023)  |
Landskron Sachsen 2023 (2023)  |
Bosch Dices (20??)  |
Flags (20??)  |
Rauh Test Caps (201?)  |
Greece |
Football Players (1998) |
Coca Cola FIFA World Cup Brazil (2014)  |
100 Years of the Coca-Cola Bottle (2015)  |
Chios Beer (2023)  |
Honduras |
Pokemons (2000)  |
Italy |
Serie A Players (1974)  |
Road Signs (1978) |
Sport Symbols (1978) |
Olympic Games (1980) |
Disney (1986) |
Motorcycles (1990) |
Disney caps by Topolino Magazine (1993)  |
Aladdin caps by Topolino Magazine (1994)  |
Animals (1994) |
Power Rangers (1994) |
Power Rangers (1995) |
WWF (1995) |
Pelliconi day (1996) |
DHL (1997)  |
Rex (1998)  |
Flags (1998) |
Football players (1998)  |
Letters (1998) |
Numbers (1998) |
Math Symbols (1998) |
The Simpsons (2000) |
Pokemons (2000) |
Pokemons (2001)  |
Consorzio Nazionale Acciaio (2001)  |
Power Rangers (2006) |
Winx Club (2006) |
Fruits & Flowers (2006)  |
Euro Coins (2007)  |
Gormiti (2007) |
Zoo (2007) |
Pistoia 13-14/X/2007 Meeting (2007) |
Hello Kitty (2008) |
Madballs (2008) |
Birrificio San Zeno (2010)  |
Calcio Taps (2014) |
Pelliconi Brau Beviale (2015)  |
Jolly Colombani Alphabet (2017)  |
Associazione il Barattolo (2018, 2022)  |
Microbirrifici Italiani (2019)  |
Marduk (2020)  |
Jamaica |
Cricket by Red Stripe (????)  |
Japan |
Star Wars (19??)  |
Italian Super Cars (1970)  |
Ultra Man (1975) |
KMEN Rider (1975)  |
Good Year (197?) |
Cars (197?)  |
Cars Sakuma Seika (19??)  |
Flags (1971)  |
Sapporo '72 (1972)  |
Pepsi Man (2003)  |
Latvia |
Towns & Cities (2006)  |
Cesu Light (2016)  |
Cesu Alus Light (2018)  |
Lithuania |
Playing Cards (2003)  |
Dundulis (2019, 2021, 2022)  |
Mexico |
Generatio Next Futbol (1998)  |
Soccer Players (2001)  |
Soccer Players (2002)  |
Coca Cola Christmas (2010)  |
Team Pepsi (????)  |
Cristal Cartoon (????)  |
Coors NFL (2013) |
Corona Mexico (2014)  |
La Muerte CALAdeVERAS (2014)  |
Victoria 150 Anos (2015)  |
Victoria Los Luchadores (2015)  |
Victoria Masks (2016)  |
Netherlands |
Kinderboekjes (1968) |
Amstel TV Quiz (199?)  |
Amstel WK Spel (1994)  |
Bavaria DopScorer (2006)  |
Nicaragua |
Spiderman (2006)  |
Norway |
Solo Wild Mammals (1970)  |
Solo Birds (1971)  |
Solo Explorers (1974)  |
Texts (1999, 2000, 2005)  |
New Zealand |
Questions and Answers  |
Peru |
Pepsi Football Players (2004) |
Philippines |
7up Fido Fido (2004)  |
Pepsi (2007)  |
Poland |
Drawings (????) |
Playing cards (2001) |
Pokemons (2001) |
Tatra Motorcycles (2001)  |
Legia (2004)  |
Kings (2005)  |
Drinktec (2005)  |
Motorcycle Drivers (2005)  |
History of Art (2006)  |
Attractions (2007)  |
Beer (2007)  |
Chess (2007)  |
Clowns (2007)  |
Dragons (2007)  |
Horoscope (2007)  |
Letters and Numbers (2007)  |
Sports (2007)  |
Brau Beviale (2007, 2010) |
Airplanes (2009)  |
Beer (2009)  |
Birds (2009)  |
Cars (2009)  |
Horses (2009)  |
Pictures (2009)  |
Poker (2009)  |
Polish Cities (2009)  |
Ships (2009)  |
Tanks and Helicopters (2009)  |
Trains (2009)  |
Brau Beviale (2010)  |
Brau Beviale (2011) |
EM 2012 (2012) |
Carlsberg World Football Championship (2018)  |
Browar Witnica - World Football Championship (2018) |
Browar Witnica - Posmakuj Lubuskie (2019) |
Browar Witnica - Poznaj Lubuskie (2020)  |
Browar Witnica - EURO 2020 (2021)  |
Romania |
Cola Cola 125 Years (2011) |
Silva Drawings (2017)  |
Russian Federation |
Disney Figures (1998)  |
Letters (????)  |
Animals (2006)  |
Czech Alphabet (2006)  |
Sport (2006)  |
Prepress OAO Complect (2009) |
SSSR Collectors (2010)  |
Slovakia |
Letters 1 (????)  |
Letters 2 (????)  |
Letters 3 (????)  |
Tik Animals (2005)  |
Spain |
Letona  |
Chicle Futbol '96 (1996)  |
Font D'Or (2004)  |
Les Creus (2004, 2006) |
Malavella (2004, 2006)  |
Vichy Catalan (2004, 2005, 2006)  |
Cruzcampo (2006)  |
Football Players by Coca Cola (2006)  |
Moritz (2007)  |
Football Players by Mahou (2008) |
Foro Tapon Corona Meeting (2009) |
Amigos Coleccionistas de Tapon Corona (2016)  |
Althaia (2018)  |
Sweden |
Fruits & Plants |
Coca Cola Quips  |
Thailand |
Football Players (1997, 2002) |
Leo World Cup (2022)  |
Ukraine |
Crown Caps Collectors (2021) |
United Kingdom |
Ridgeway Christmas (2010?)  |
Fuller's London Pride Beer Mat (2017)  |
Iron Maiden Trooper (2016, 2017, 2019, 2020) |
Hobgoblin (2019)  |
United States |
Rebus (????)  |
Real Soda (????) |
Bigfoot |
Disney (1934) |
Coke Countries (1962, 1964)  |
Coca-Cola Discover America (1963)  |
NFL Players (1964)  |
Lucky Puzzle caps (196?)  |
Coca-Cola Great Olympiads (1972)  |
Henry Weinhard's Root Beer (1996) |
Lone Star (1997) |
Rolling Rock Classics (1997) |
Hard Rock Cafe (1999) |
Williamsville Brewing's Street Names and People & Devices (2000) |
Littlearth Belt Caps (2002, 2003)  |
Motorcycle Parts (2003)  |
Rolling Rock "33" Caps Off to Boston (2003) |
Helmar Baseball Caps (2004)  |
Li'l Davis sets (2004, 2005) |
Pabst Blue Ribbon Playing Cards (2004)  |
Stone Brewing 8 Years (2004) |
Stone Brewing 10 Years (2006) |
Budweiser (2011, 2012, 2013)  |
Oculto (2015)  |
Venezuela |
Major League Baseball USA (1998) |
Pokemons (2001)  |
Shrek 2 (2004)  |
Chicas Polar (2004, 2005) |
Fido Dido by 7up (2004, 2005)  |
Madagascar (2005) |
Maltin Polar Baseball (2005)  |
Equipa tu Colegio (2006)  |
Los Pecados de la Rumba (2006)  |
Pepsi Football Players (2006)  |
Superman (2006)  |
Pepsi Football Players (20??)  |
Viet Nam |
Football Players (2004)  |